How to write a blog post that will be the first in search results How to write a blog post that will be the first in search results

How to write a blog Post that will be the first in search results

How to write a blog that will be the first in search results
Did you know that the first link in search results receives 33% of all search traffic? And the first page of search results receives 92% of all traffic, which is reduced by 95% on the second page.


The numbers do not lie. If you want to get to the first place in the search results, only well-written, fascinating content will not help to achieve this. You need to focus on writing SEO-friendly texts that include keywords and drive targeted traffic.
You must be thinking, “Sounds great. But where to start? ”
We have identified five main techniques for creating an “SEO-friendly” blog that you can use today:

1. Select high-performing keywords.

Google manages over 40,000 searches per second. Amazing, right?
If you want to be visible among all the many search results and surpass your competitors, you should aim at specific words and phrases used by your target audience. How else will they find your content and site?
To determine the hottest words, go through the social networks and platforms where your target audience constantly lives, and see what is now at the peak of their interest. Pay close attention to the exact phrases that visitors use, monitor popular terms and queries.
Google and Yandex also provide information on which keyword is popular at a particular point in time and which words are no longer appropriate to use.
If your keyword ideas are over, you can turn to a competitive environment. Use tools that allow you to see what keywords your competitors' sites are ranked for - if they relate to your business, feel free to use them.
Remember that the most obvious keywords are not always the best. Users, as a rule, use when searching for something, not separate words, but phrases, questions of 3-4 words - “long-tail” key queries. Such "long-tail" key queries account for 70% of search traffic and give way to successful SEO. When the largest WordPress resource for beginners introduced an SEO strategy based on long-tail keywords, their organic traffic increased by 20% in two months.
Since for short, more general queries you will always encounter fierce competition, the use of specific "long-tail" queries gives you chances for higher places in the search results. Long-tail queries let you focus on the targeted traffic valuable to you by visitors who know exactly what they’re
looking for.
Once you have completed the research and compiled a list of the most valuable, in your opinion, relevant keywords, use the query statistics services for each word - Yandex Wordstat, Keyword Tool, GoogleAdwords.
Depending on the type of business, your industry, or the budget for SEO promotion, situations arise when it is worth fighting for high positions on highly competitive common requests. But don't forget about low-competitive queries. It may turn out that for these queries it is much easier to get to the top positions in the search results.
Remember that your selection of keywords will change over time, as trends, terminology, and the product/service life cycle change.
Periodic keyword research is needed to ensure that you are focused on using the right keywords for your target audience and not miss out on the vital ranking opportunities.

2. Include keywords in your posts

Once you’ve compiled a list of verified keywords, it's time to write a post on your blog focused on one of the keywords. Brainstorm the topic of your post using information about your visitors, their interests, motives, problems, desires. Then the written post will cause an emotional response from your potential customers.
If you are writing a blog, the keyword and its variations should occur throughout the post. The primary keyword should be present in the following places:
Browser window title (TITLE tag)
Headings and subheadings (h1, h2, h3 tags, etc.)
URL if possible
Alternative text for images (image alt-text)
Meta description tag
Throughout the text.
Remember that you write for people, not for search engines. The natural style of the text, focusing on the needs and interests of readers, is most likely to captivate them.

3. References to authoritative resources

When writing an article on a blog, do not be afraid to provide links to articles and blogs of other authors. Links to authoritative sites not only provide readers with additional information but are also well received by search engines and significantly improve their position in search results.

4. Priority for long posts

In an age of lack of time and attention, there is an opinion that short articles are a way out. But search engines prefer long, in-depth posts.
The longer your post, the greater its chances of a better position in search results. According to research, pages ranked 10th in search results contain 400 words less than a page ranked 1st.
Just think: the more content on your page, the more search engines have more information and keywords to determine what your blog is talking about. We recommend writing blog posts containing at least 300 words.
The disadvantage of long posts is that they can scare readers. We live in a world of human scanners. Web analytics tools show that on average only 10-20% of readers read long articles to the end. So the million-dollar question is, how long should a post be for modern online readers to like it?
You can write readable posts using short sentences and paragraphs. Break long sentences into several. Include no more than 2-3 sentences in paragraphs.
Also take advantage of bulleted, numbered lists and subheadings that grab the reader’s attention. Following this tactic, you will create a readable blog that is pleasant to read especially on mobile devices.

5. Do not forget about internal links

Links to other pages or posts on your site help:
engines to make an accurate site map;
readers are better off exploring your content;
perceive your resource as a reliable, reliable source of information.

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